What Is A SAHM?


Meaning of SAHM

What Exactly Is a SAHM? SAHM stands for stay-at-home mother/mom. A stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is typically a woman who takes care of the kids while her husband/partner works outside the home. A homemaker or housewife is a similar, more ancient word for this role, which some individuals still use.

The Function of a SAHM

SAHMs frequently take on multiple tasks, meaning no single task/job defines them. Stay-at-home moms typically undertake various tasks to keep the children engaged. Nourished, clean, active, and on track for developmental milestones. At the same time, they are serving as the family’s housekeeper, organizer, and social planner. And also serve as the family treasurer, personal shopper, and chauffeur, among other responsibilities.

While SAHMs are essential to their family. Some may not understand or recognize this role and question a SAHM’s contributions to society. Others wonder why anyone would want to be an at-home mom. Hence the existence of the pros and cons of being a stay-at-home mom. This negative dynamic can promote what society has nicknamed the “mommy wars”. In which mom-shaming. And judgment for how moms “should” conduct themselves can lead to publicly talking or bashing moms on the Internet.

How to Deal with Mom’s Shaming And Other Potential Difficulties

Unfortunately, our culture has a cruel and impossible idea regarding what it means to be a “good” stay-at-home mom (SAHM). Along with the idea that stay-at-home moms have it easy and don’t contribute as much to society as other women. Social media and even some scientific research promote unreasonable expectations (some of which are contradictory), such as the following:

1. Children Come First

SAHMs are supposed to prioritize their children over everything else, even their own mental and physical well-being.

Taking time for yourself to exercise. Eating a proper meal, and hanging out with friends. Or even getting a haircut might be perceived as selfish by judgmental outsiders. And occasionally by SAHMs themselves, who believe the children should be the sole focus of their moms.

2. Perfection is Expected

Our society sends moms the message that only the best is good enough. Some people assume that “good” SAHMs always feed their children homemade and healthy, unprocessed meals. Limit screen time, and keep a perennially spotless and immaculate house. And spend their days engaging in creative, educational play with their children.

While these objectives are admirable, expecting any parent to adhere to them at all times is simply unreasonable. However, It is reasonable to expect SAHMs to do their best and to presume that they are.

3. There is Plenty of Time for Housework

Because SAHMs are believed to be at home all day. It’s generally considered that doing all the laundry. Cooking all the meals, dusting, vacuuming, and keeping the house in pristine condition should be simple. Child care is a time-consuming and never-ending job. Many SAHMs are used to starting a task only to be drawn away from it. Or cleaning up a mess only to have it reappear the moment a child wakes up from a nap.

4. It’s Not Really Work

Many moms report that society expects them to abandon their careers once their children arrive. While simultaneously holding us to the standard that we are not contributing to the world if we do not work outside the home. This diminishes the hard work of stay-at-home mothers. Delivering the message that it is not valued if money is not exchanged.

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