How to Stay Sane as a Stay at Home Mom: 5 Practical ways.

How to stay sane as a stay at home mom
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How to stay sane as a stay at home mom is a question a great number of stay at home moms have pondered on and the answer is vital for moms general well-being. Stay at home moms can quickly become exhausted with all the demands placed upon them by their children and household duties, from piles of toys and hand prints on windows to cleaning a messy home and managing all their own activities. Even the calmest mom may become frazzled.

Finding ways to take care of yourself, find your creative outlet and maintain balance in life is of utmost importance – here are a few strategies for doing just that!

1. Make a schedule.

Remaining sane while managing children, home, errands and staying productive as a stay at home mom can be challenging. Setting up a schedule can make life less chaotic and more manageable while making you feel more productive or perhaps make you feel like the person you were before having children!

Step one in becoming an effective stay at home mom is defining your priorities as a stay at home mother. This may involve factors like getting enough restful sleep each night, spending quality time with friends or engaging in creative hobbies – once you know these priorities it’s time to create your schedule!

Start by writing down all the tasks or activities you want or need to get done each day, such as your child’s naps and any regular activities like playdates or doctor appointments. Next, add any recurring daily or weekly tasks like cleaning or meal prep – then add any other desired activities like reading to children or running errands that pop up throughout your schedule.

Keep in mind that your schedule is simply a guide and that things may shift unexpectedly. Sometimes a temper tantrum lasts longer than anticipated or your children want to stay at the park longer than planned; that’s fine! Just try your best to maintain your basic routine as much as possible and if you find yourself drifting, take a deep breath and focus back on what matters.

2. How to stay sane as a stay at home mom: Get enough sleep

Sleep is key for staying sane as a stay at home mom. Without adequate rest, you will become easily frustrated and easily irritable, traits which shouldn’t be projected onto your children.

At least 7 hours of sleep is essential each night; make it a priority to ensure this occurs by engaging in relaxing rituals such as taking a warm bath, meditation or even eating foods that promote restful slumber, such as almonds or chamomile tea before bedtime. Finally, don’t forget to shut off electronics at least an hour prior to sleeping!

If you are having difficulty sleeping, it may be wise to visit your physician for advice. Certain health conditions, like postpartum depression or anxiety, can impede on the ability to relax enough for restful rest; if any symptoms like these arise for you seek advice from a counselor or psychiatrist as soon as possible.

An additional way to improve your sleep is avoiding caffeine and alcohol before going to sleep, both of which may stimulate the brain and prevent it from relaxing into restful states of restfulness. Furthermore, ensure you have a comfortable bed and pillow.

Finally, it’s essential that you socialize with other adults. If you are used to working full time and are finding it strange staying home all day with the kids, socializing with old friends and meeting up with other stay at home moms will give a sense of community and remind you that there are others out there who understand what you’re experiencing.

3. Get enough exercise.

Housework, laundry and bathing obligations can quickly add up, leaving little energy left for yourself or enjoying those little moments that make being a stay at home mom worth while. All these factors combined can leave your energy completely depleted – leaving less patience, less happiness and an inability to appreciate what makes being one so worth your while!

One of the best ways to boost both mental and physical health is through exercise. While it can be easy to let this slip when caring for children and juggling all the housework that comes with being a stay at home mom, exercise can make you happier, healthier, and more energized – as well as benefit your family through your positive outlook and sense of self-worth.

If it’s difficult for you to fit regular exercise sessions into your schedule, try doing something active at least once daily – whether that means walking with your kids, playing tag in the park, biking a route through town, or any other form of physical activity that gets your heart rate going and burns calories! Anything will benefit. Here are also 7 of the best ways to stay mentally stimulated as a stay at home mom, for not only do our bodies need exercise but our minds as well.

Keep in mind that even seemingly ideal moms can struggle to keep up with being stay at home moms. Try not to overextend yourself; resist any urges to shape mashed banana into Mona Lisa-shaped masterpieces for your child or register them for every class under the sun (like Baby DJ school and Farting Etiquette classes ). Remember: you cannot give more than what is possible and trying will just leave you frustrated and resentful.

4. Get enough alone time.

As a stay at home mom, your life revolves around your children and it can be hard to feel like yourself. However, taking time out for yourself is crucial so you can breathe fresh air, discover yourself or connect with other mom friends. Whether that means taking them on play dates with other children, running out for coffee and snacks alone or letting your children stay up late watching a movie with grandma and grandpa; make sure that you give yourself enough alone time in order to prevent feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

If you’re struggling to balance all the demands of being a stay at home mom, ask for help! It is perfectly normal and there are resources available that may assist. If possible, ask your partner or give your children their own screen time (like watching an educational show or playing online games with friends) on certain nights so you can focus on taking care of some responsibilities while relaxing a bit.

One way to enjoy more quiet time is to wake up earlier so you have some uninterrupted time alone before everyone else starts their day. Use this time for journaling, practising mindfulness or reading a book while sipping tea or coffee uninterrupted.

At its core, ensuring you’re getting enough alone time requires prioritizing it and dedicating yourself to making it a priority. Though difficult at times, setting an individual or collective goal and working toward it can often prove rewarding. If alone time seems out of reach for you alone, look for groups or other moms willing to watch the children while you catch up with one another over coffee and drinks.

5. Make time for yourself.

Stay-at-home moms may find it easy to become overwhelmed by caring for children, which is why it’s vitally important that they make time for themselves – this will not only keep themselves sane but will be beneficial for both themselves and their little ones.

Try waking up an hour earlier on days when there are no plans. Use this time for yourself: reading, having coffee or just enjoying some peace and quiet can all help to recharge and reset your mindset. Even 15 minutes of uninterrupted relaxation time may prove beneficial!

Stay at home moms often benefit from finding an outlet for their creativity, such as scrapbooking, knitting or needlepoint. Or it could mean taking painting classes at an art museum – whatever it may be! Finding an artistic hobby to express themselves creatively is another effective way to unwind after long days at home with their children and relieve some stress while having some fun!

Make some goals for yourself to keep yourself motivated. Setting these goals could include setting aside some time each week to work on something you enjoy doing or meeting up with your friends outside the home for some quality social time. Setting these goals can give your life meaning and purpose, and may prevent you from feeling powerless over it all.

As a stay at home mom is difficult enough without trying to manage everything alone, when help is necessary it’s advisable to ask for it and accept assistance when necessary. You shouldn’t feel pressured into doing everything by yourself – sometimes, leaving dishes undone overnight is acceptable and even allowing children watch extra movies after bedtime is appropriate – raising children takes a village and we aren’t expected to go it alone!


Being a stay-at-home mom is a rewarding and challenging role. By prioritizing self-care, establishing a routine, finding support, embracing flexibility, pursuing personal interests, managing time effectively, and balancing household responsibilities, you can not only stay sane but also thrive in your role. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. And there are practical strategies that can help you navigate the challenges of motherhood with grace and resilience. Embrace the joys and embrace the chaos, because being a stay-at-home mom is a truly remarkable and fulfilling experience.

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